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Greater Tijuana recent comments:

  • Global Peace One (Boeing 747SP), luke (guest) wrote 7 years ago:
    this plane deserves to be flown in till it doesn't have wings to fly with for surviving that insane speed and maneuver it shows that hand craftsmanship is better than being assembled by robots
  • Las Canadas terreno, tower of strength (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
  • Red Cross, PHILip magee (guest) wrote 8 years ago:
    Want to hire a deportee as a house keeper in TJ/Rosarito area Pay going salary rates provide bedroom/bath medical eye, dental clothing. and will help continue their studies. Retiring there dec or jan. Let me know soonest ,so I CAN PUT THIS REQUEST ON MY DONE LIST PHIL
  • Escuela Secundaria General 23 / 8, jorge (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    hola, me gustaria pedir informes sobre la escuela me urge saber si es para trabajadores y si tiene un numero que me pueda proporcionar gracias.
  • CHURCH SAN PEDRO SAN PABLO, America Recinos wrote 10 years ago:
    como llego a la iglecia de san pedro y san pablo del centro de Tijuana.
  • Farmacia Roma Plaza Mision Soler, Bertha Rosales wrote 11 years ago:
    venden ustedes crema ULtra /x
  • Casa de Retiro de los Jesuitas (Ibero Tijuana), Stem Uno wrote 11 years ago:
    it almost forms the eye of horus
  • Swap Meet "Las Carpas", Wendy (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Qué horario tiene Horario?
  • , aplascencia (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
  • Pedestrian bridge, boudrsj wrote 13 years ago:
    I walked across A bridge back in the early 70's . Is this the same one? There were people living under it in little tin & what looked like cardboard shacks. It was very sad to see.
  • Secundaria Tecnica 40, Hi (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    I estudied in that School. It was so hard because they don´t have the preparaition!
  • Unidad Deportiva Tijuana, brandon (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    kual es el numero de la unidad
  • Turbotec Solar Sistems, Jose ramirez (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    I used to work ther e back in94 and 95. Spcial shout outs to juan yanez and jesus salazar
  • Cobach Siglo XXI, Esteban Arturo Lopez M. (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Tengo ficha en el cobach de la mesa pero esta muy lejos quiero ver si me puedo cambiar a este plantel ya que mis hermanos estubieron en aqui que puedo hacer
  • Calimax Laurel,, laura (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    hello well my comment is about the deals they advertise the fact there are very good and attractive as the advertised and when we go there and shop wing was supposed to see whether it als announced deve Esla and 5 times that I fall into the same the last three the Chinese were a melon and was announced by 8:00 am no longer any good aviation went aotro Calimax alcanse nor nothing is more avian nor since the two were the corn not found in any of the Calimax the truth if they are not you get to announce that, as a spent fuel and waste time at all to return all disillusioned and thinking that this offers is pure advertising as touched me to go to the cellar and there aurrera if you find what was advertised,
  • Giuseppe's, marri : (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    por que no ponen fotos del restaurante me en cantaria verlo por dentro.
  • Cecyte Villas del Sol, linda (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    nececito saber las carreras que hay
  • Cecyte Villas del Sol, MONICA (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
  • Plaza Monarca, Nany (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Amo la Plaza Monarca, y quisiera saber cuando festejaran el dia del niño para que mis papas me lleven. Es que la verdad no se si es hoy o mañana
  • Plaza Monarca, ELISAS CONTEST (guest) wrote 13 years ago: