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Greater Tijuana recent comments:

  • The Chicago Club, seco (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    this is not quite right. The correct location of chicago is 30ft south. this location is for Leyva, a Hotel that is clean, quiet and safe. costs 22$s a night.
  • Loma Dorada, residente (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Asociacion de Vecinos del Fraccionamiento Loma Dorada AC por un mejor lugar donde VIVIR
  • salon de computo, OSCAR LEON LOPEZ (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    hola yo soy ex-alumno de la escuela de hace varios anos y queria saber de mis companeros que tuve en ese entonces mi nombre es Oscar Leon , no recuerdo cuando sali de la escuela creo que fue 1980 o 1979 . No recuerdo si alguien se acuerda de mi me pueden llamar , 818-234-2420, y preguntar por mi quiciera saber de alguno de mis companeras que tuve , si es una muy buena escuela
  • Treasure Cave of Joaquin Murrieta, The trooper (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    apparently this is a cave entrance collapsed in a series of tunnels that the United States built in the middle of World War I did to prevent the influx of enemies in this area as it had throughout the Pacific Ocean full of Japanese ships and Amedia allies was the second world war when the Mexican government CLUSURE some casinos actually axles funsionaban as the war funding. in fact there are red hill underground tunnels structures even with ammunition from the First World War still unexploded. if esmis guys hot water tunnels and collapsed in a system of tunnels of Cerro Colorado americans government's collapse.
  • Tijuana Beach, Faque Mexico (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Ha! Ha! Eat me, slopes!
  • Grand Hotel Tijuana & Plaza Aguacaliente, H (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    For those who are driving American registered cars to or from the USA, particularly if they have to spend an unscheduled extra day in Tijuana, the hotel car park here is one of the places you can leave your car in relative safety from vandalism or other crime.
  • Global Peace One (Boeing 747SP), tijairport (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    GLOBAL AMBASADORS is currently for sale located in Tijuana.
  • myy cassaa..!!! jocelin garcia..=), diego (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    hey qe onda esa casa vive mi amigo el danielito
  • red-light "brothel" district, Kutter (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    This area plus a bit north of the out lined area are all the legal and official red light district of TJ.
  • Hong Kong Bar, Kutter (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    The girls there aren't that cute but once in a while the place does all right.
  • Paseos del Florido, YES (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
  • Global Peace One (Boeing 747SP), Universitario (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Este Avion tiene como 10 años yonkeado en el angar del A.I.T.
  • Giuseppe's, JCTORRES wrote 16 years ago:
    Really nice restaurant. Good food, great service and affordable prices.
  • Asta Bandera, Flag of Mexico, Samsung Co. (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Nosotros tenmos una serie de imagenes tomadas este mismo dia en ese mismo lugar, nos encontrabamos apoyando una actividad de nuestro Presidente Municipal cuando nos llamo la atencion algo en el cielo "visible solo con camara de video Infrarrojo o lentes "eagle eyes". contamos con una base de datos de aproximadamente 1500 exposisiones la duracion de esta exposicion de objetos fue de aproximadamente 3 horas las horas mas intensas del evento encabesado por desarrollo social y ramo 33 en la antesala de Palacio Municipal. "La Explanada". Somos testigos oculares de esos objetos que merodeaban el cielo de Tijuana.
  • Guarderia Mi Pequeno Tesoro, El Alakran (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Mis respetos mi hermano pero la de azul esta bien buena y por las iniciales me imagino que se ha de llamar Mirna o Mirian . hay mamasita presentala. la de azul Fernanda esta media arrugadona pero aguanta una desvelada. saludosss.
  • Soriana, vicksho (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Ya es Soriana...
  • Esc. Sec. Tec.29, vicksho (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Secundaria Tecnica #29
  • Cobach Siglo XXI, K PEDO (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    OsEa K peDO coN ESo WEEE
  • salon de computo, alumna de compu (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    mire señora eso no es cierto ya que el profesor nos enceña muy bien asi que por favor no siga molestando yyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........
  • Tijuana Beach, 619 (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    viva la raza!